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Our Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Los Angeles, CA

Finding the right addiction treatment center for yourself or a loved one can be a challenging task. With so many options and not enough knowledge on what is actually needed to recover from addiction the choice can become overwhelming very fast.

Let’s be clear though, AM Health Care’s programs are perfect in terms of comfort, luxury, holistic treatment, attentive, modality based practices and more. But the true mission of AM Health Care’s facilities are to heal mind, body and spirit. We focus on the root causes associated with addiction and create a custom road map on how to heal.

Our clients come to us, we asses them and ask them a few questions; the biggest one is, what do you want out of life? The majority of clients respond with “I just want to be happy again”. We can work with that, if you or a loved one are struggling with addiction then contact us today to see how we can help. You are not alone, recovery and happiness awaits. 
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Addictions We Treat

Alcohol Addiction
Cocaine & Crack
Fentanyl Abuse
Intravenous Drug Abuse
Ketamine Addiction
Opiate Addiction
Opioids vs Opiates
Synthetic Drugs

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is the most widely abused drug due to the fact that it is legal and socially acceptable. Most people become alcoholics without noticing, typically alcohol starts being abused in college or high-school, starting with parties and get togethers and continues throughout ones lifetime. Over recent years AM Health Care has seen the rate of alcoholism sky rocket as a side effect from Covid-19 and the nationwide lockdowns that took place. Alcohol was a go to for a lot of people and was easily accessible. Working from home, not having to get ready or go into an office and the darkness that came along with being in quarantine made for a perfect disaster for addiction to run rampant in peoples life’s. 
Learn More About Alcohol Addiction


Amphetamines are commonly used drugs in the United States. While they can help when used within the parameters prescribed by medical professionals, they also run at a high risk of abuse. Amphetamines can be dangerous primarily due to how commonly they are prescribed to adolescents and adults. Anyone who is prescribed any amphetamine should be cautious when using the drug and only use it as intended.
Learn More About Amphetamine Addiction

Cocaine & Crack

Crack and cocaine are two different drugs that are closely related. In discussion, the terms cocaine and crack are sometimes used interchangeably despite being two separate substances. The effects these two drugs have on a person are similar, but each also brings its own dangers of use.
Learn More About Cocaine & Crack Addiction

Fentanyl Abuse

Fentanyl is a highly addictive drug at the forefront of the current opioid crisis. Because it is both cheaper and more potent than opioids like heroin, fentanyl is widely becoming one of the most abused drugs on the street. Fentanyl is responsible for a large percentage of overdose deaths in the United States.
Learn More About Fentanyl Abuse


Hallucinogens are a powerful class of drug that causes a person to feel or experience sensations not based on reality. Hallucinogens directly affect how a person perceives the reality around them and can potentially lead to reckless or dangerous behavior. Many long-term effects of hallucinogens are still not fully understood due to a lack of research.
Learn More About Hallucinogen Addiction

Intravenous Drug Abuse

Intravenous drugs are incredibly dangerous, and usually, their use is a sign of a severe addiction problem. Intravenous drugs increase the potency of a drug’s effects and increase the risks associated with use. If you or a loved one are using intravenous drugs, it is vital to seek help from trained professionals as soon as possible.
Learn More About Intravenous Drug Abuse

Ketamine Addiction

The use of ketamine is a complex issue. While ketamine is commonly abused and can be incredibly dangerous, it also has significant medical benefits. Ketamine is approved to be used in hospital settings as an anesthetic. Additionally, studies are currently being conducted regarding ketamine’s usefulness in the treatment of depression. Although not currently approved as a possible treatment option, early results suggest it could be highly effective.
Learn More About Ketamine Addiction

Opiate Addiction

Opiates are a class of drugs derived from the poppy plant that can cause the user to experience euphoria. Opiate addiction is one of the most considerable problems this country is currently facing. Due to their highly addictive nature, harmful effects, and the ease with which people can get them, a real opiate epidemic is happening in the United States’ streets.
Learn More About Opiate Addiction

Opioids vs Opiates

The terms opioid and opiate are sometimes used interchangeably even though they are two different things. An opiate is a naturally occurring substance that is made from the poppy plant. Many opiates are used within the medical community, including morphine and codeine.
Learn More About Opioids vs Opiates

Stimulant Addiction

Stimulants are a broad class of drugs that cause an increase in some bodily functions, including a boost in energy. Stimulants may often cause a person to seem excited or jittery. In the broadest terms, stimulants and depressants are the two primary classes of drugs, sometimes referred to as “uppers” and “downers.”
Learn More About Stimulant Addiction

Synthetic Drug Addiction

Synthetic drugs are an umbrella term for substances created in labs to replicate the effects of other drugs. Synthetic drugs can be depressants or stimulants and are used to varying degrees depending on the specific substance. Although synthetic drugs sometimes have a reputation of being safer than alternative drugs, that is not always the case. If you or a loved one suffer from substance abuse disorder due to synthetic drug use, it is vital to seek medical help as soon as possible.
Learn More About Synthetic Drug Addiction

Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Los Angeles, CA

Learn more about our mental health, alcohol, and drug rehab programs throughout the entire greater Los Angeles area. 

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