Fourteen children and one teacher were fatally shot in a blood-fueled massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday, May 24th 2022 The States governor said.
The suspect was an 18-year-old male (We won’t share his name as we refuse to recognize him) he was a student at Uvalde High School. The shooter was found dead at Robb Elementary School following an altercation with law enforcement, ABC News Reported.
“He shot and killed, horrifically, incomprehensibly, 14 students and a teacher,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott told a press conference on Tuesday afternoon. “The Shooter… is deceased, and it’s believed that the responding officers killed him”
Parents and families alike from California or South Dakota to Rhode Island live in fear on a daily basis of receiving the phone letting them know of a violent act against their children. So, why does this keep happening? why are school shootings, or random shootings in the street so prevalent these days, and what is the solution? Some say it’s a gun control problem, even though 86% of the firearms involved in school shootings or in public shootings are registered firearms associated with people having clean backgrounds. The reality of these dark days is more so associated with untreated mental health and the possibilities of the toll it can have on a person. Mind you, some people that commit these atrocious acts are sociopaths. But the majority of them can be helped if given the chance to receive it.
It seems like there is a perfect storm of horrific events unfolding in front of our nation, the saddest thing is that these events are publicized and focused on from a place of fear-mongering. Our media which was once known for simply just reporting world events, the weather, and more truths are now focusing on aspects of today’s events in order to drive more fear. Rather than focusing on, “what can we learn from this horrible situation?” and not repeat our past.
Unfortunately, the consequences of mass shootings, suicide, and addiction don’t only affect the person struggling or committing the acts. It also brings a world of pain and suffering to those involved or who are in its path. The side effects of these actions and diagnosis can cause trauma/grief and loss/depression/anxiety/PTSD and much more in those who are affected. Today, 30 parents lost a child, others lost a friend, brother, sister, or colleague. This problem cannot continue, we have to be the change we want to see. And that is exactly what AM Health Care is putting forth into action. We want a different world for our children, our friends, family, and co-workers.
During 2020/2021 while the lockdowns were taking place, the George Floyd riots had started, and people across the country were laid off from work. We saw a huge uptick in mental health and addiction, people were being cut off from the most basic things such as healthy human interaction and going to a park to go on a walk to keep them sane. This started one of our country’s worst mental health crises, some say Covid-19 was the epidemic, but really it was the earth-shattering events that came alongside covid-19 such as new record-high overdose rates, record-high suicide rates and record-high domestic violence rates.
A recent poll on Google shows that most people struggling with addiction or mental health challenges struggled with a few issues. Either;
Regardless of the circumstances, we need to emphasize screening our students, colleagues, and loved ones to gauge if help is needed. Most people needing help will suffer in silence and not let anyone in, fearing that it somehow makes them weaker, when really that’s not the case. Another school of thought is we need to have more options available and more funding to back programs available for the public without needing to have health insurance or financial support.
Knowing there is a problem and knowing you need help is the first step. It’s what you do from that point on that matters. If you or a loved one are struggling and looking for help with either PTSD/Trauma, Anxiety, Depression or any form of addiction AM Health Care is here to help. Our programs fully encompass both Mental Health primary treatment as well as Addiction/Dual Diagnosis Treatment options for those who need it. We are a full continuum of care which means we help from detox to outpatient treatment (virtual options available).
Today, we have solutions to mental health diagnoses that years ago were considered untreatable. Today we are able to treat addiction and continue ongoing therapy for the benefit of each client’s future. We are able to rejoin families and make them complete again. There is a solution to these problems that at the time can seem so overbearing and uncomfortable.
For more information on how to get help contact us today, if you don’t have the proper resources our treatment specialists can help you find options that work for you or your family. AM Health Care is here to end addiction and Mental Health challenges. Reach out today and stop suffering in silence.